AutoRaise promotes a range of technical apprenticeship paths to bring new blood into the industry today, ensuring there is qualified talent for tomorrow.

Collaborating with repairers, training providers, work providers and the industry supply chain, to present the vehicle repair industry to young people at schools and colleges as a rewarding and lucrative alternative to other employment opportunities, further education or university.

Drive the Future of
Vehicle Repair

Taking on an apprentice is easier than you think. Find out how Auto Raise is closing the skills gap and changing lives.

Get your copy of our free guide.

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Interested in being an Apprentice?

Discover exciting apprenticeship opportunities in the vehicle repair industry from technicians to roles in customer care and business operations.

Become an Affiliated Repairer

Become an AutoRaise Affiliated Repairer and invest in today’s talent, tomorrow’s skills and YOUR future success!

Become an Industry Partner

Support AutoRaise in creating awareness of the automotive industry, finding the next generation of skilled individuals and help solve the industry’s skill shortage.

We engage with all stakeholders within the vehicle repair industry.

Each have different needs; repairers need help finding, assessing, and then employing young people, and they also seek help in being signposted to potential training delivery partners.

Take a look at AutoRaise ‘Inspire’ – a diverse collection of real life stories, useful tips and how AutoRaise have, and continue, to influence mindset change, and address the skill shortage within the industry.

We are proud to name these industry stakeholders as our partners:
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