More about AutoRaise
Repairing the Industry
Helping to secure the future of the Vehicle Repair industry.
AutoRaise are a charity, set up solely to help the UK vehicle repair industry attract young people into a range of technical apprenticeships.
We work together with repairers, training providers, work providers and the industry supply chain to present the vehicle repair industry to young people at schools and colleges as a rewarding and lucrative alternative to other employment opportunities, further education or university.
AutoRaise promotes a range of technical apprenticeship paths to bring new blood into the industry today, ensuring the qualified talent of tomorrow.
Our strategic relationships with vehicle repairers who are AutoRaise Affiliated Repairers help us engage with and encourage young people into vehicle repair and, ultimately, present the sector as a dynamic and attractive environment to work in.
As well as helping employers find young people, we provide best practice around work placement, recruitment, induction and for the longer term, retention.